Zen quotes are quotations and sayings that have been passed down in Zen Buddhism.
Zen quotes express the spirit of Zen, and many of them can be used as teachings or hints for life.
This digital clock application contains over 800 Zen quotes and can display various Zen quotes along with the time.
Over 800 Zen quotes are included.
Also displays a digital clock.
20 backgrounds to choose from.
The Zen quotes can be displayed continuously or automatically switched every 10, 20, 30, or 60 minutes.
Touching the clock's text switches to the setting mode.
In setting mode, you can change the date and time to various formats and move the letters and stone pictures.
Also, touching a Zen quote will randomly switch to a different Zen quote.
You can also use two fingers to zoom in and out on the picture of the stone.
Stone pictures can also be displayed.
You can also continue to display your favorite Zen quotes.
Can also be randomly switched at a certain time.
Touch the settings icon to go to the settings menu.
Here you can change the background, Zen quotes, and other settings in detail.
You can also switch between 12-hour and 24-hour displays.
The background can be selected from 20 different landscape photos.
A time signal can also be set to sound at 0 minutes.
The sound of the time signal can be selected from 78 different tones.
The screen can be rotated horizontally and vertically.
In the Zen quote list, you can copy the text to the clipboard by pressing and holding each word.
Please try to find your favorite Zen quote.